To the Nation Upon the Passing of King Hussein Bin Talal

Address by His Majesty King Abdullah II

To the Nation Upon the Passing of King Hussein Bin Talal

07 February 1999
(Translated from Arabic)

Brothers and sisters, citizens, members of the one Jordanian family and tribe, Hussein's friends everywhere, Arabs and Muslims,

With faith in Almighty God and in total obedience to His will, with the fortitude of the believers and the faith of the steadfast, I mourn to you, to the Arab and Islamic worlds and to the whole world, the King, the faithful man, the Hashemite Sharif, Hussein Bin Talal Bin Abdullah Bin Al Hussein, the King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who passed away in full submission to the Almighty's will and judgement.

This is the judgement of Almighty God and this is His will. I pray that the Almighty bestow mercy upon him, and that Hussein's soul may rest in peace. I pray that Jordanians, Arabs, Muslims and those who loved King Hussein, leaders and peoples alike, will be patient. To them all, I pray for the most heartfelt sympathies and condolences.

May God have mercy on the King, the father, the brother, the commander and the man. We all believe in the Almighty; the soul of Hussein will remain with us and he will be among us. His legacy will always be in our hearts and our souls. We shall preserve his pledge of loyal and dedicated labour for the sake of a stronger Jordan, united in faith and action.

To my one Jordanian family,

Hussein was a father and a brother to every one of you, just as he was my father. You are my brothers and my sisters. You are my hope and consolation.

We are from God and to Him we return.