King Receives President of the World Economic Forum

19 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed that Jordan attaches great importance to the meetings of the World Economic Forum which will start at the Dead Sea on Saturday.

During a meeting with President of the World Economic Forum Professor Klaus Schwab in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, the King stressed the importance of the role of institutions in the Arab world especially those from Iraq and Palestine in deliberations of the forum.

"It is important that Palestinians seize this opportunity to speak during the meetings and present their issues freely especially those related to the reconstruction of Palestine," the King added.

During the meeting which was also attended by Minister of Planning Dr. Basim Awadallah, His Majesty stressed the importance of the role of the Arab private sector in presenting issues that would support the Arab economy and achieve development in the Arab world through this forum.

The WEF president briefed Their Majesties on the preparations and current arrangements to hold the forum which will begin with an opening session in which His Majesty will deliver a keynote address.

The speech will focus on the King's vision on the various regional and international issues.

The forum, which will witness the launching of many developmental, economic and educational initiatives, will be attended by 1600 political, economic and media figures from various world countries.