King Receives Italian Prime Minister

10 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II held talks on Tuesday with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Verlusconi dealt with efforts aiming at resuming peace talks by implementing the roadmap as well as the bilateral relations between Jordan and Italy.

The King and the Italian Prime Minister affirmed that Aqaba summit is considered an important opportunity to re-launch peace process.

During the meeting which was attended by Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb, Minister of the Royal Court Faisal Fayez, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shaher Bak and the Italian Ambassador to Jordan, the King affirmed the importance of finding the suitable ground to start the implementation of the roadmap's items, expected to lead to an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and to establish an independent Palestinian state.

The King also stressed the importance of the EU role in supporting peace efforts in the Middle East region, and he noted to the Italian role in this track.

In addition, the King expressed his thanks to Italy over its support to Jordan especially in the economic field.

On his part, the Italian Prime Minister said that Italy would intensify its efforts in the upcoming phase to support the peace efforts, and he also pointed out to the king's efforts in this regard.