His Majesty King Abdullah II Returns Home Following A Short Visit To Egypt

26 February 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II returned home following a short visit to Egypt , where he held talks with President Muhammad Husni Mubarak within the framework of coordination and consultation between the two leaders pertaining the situation in the region and the latest developments on the Palestinian arena.

During the talks, His Majesty King Abdullah and President Mubarak called on Israel to positively respond to the successive Arab initiatives set to achieve just and comprehensive peace, including the ideas set recently by Saudi Arabia, in accordance with the peace terms of reference adopted by the international community.

During the meeting, His Majesty reviewed the deteriorating situations in the Palestinian territories and the unjust practices and policies Israel is committing, where the two leaders stressed that continuation of such practices and policies jeopardizes security and stability in the region.

The two leaders called for instant lifting of the siege and closure imposed against the Palestinian territories, and lifting the siege and restrictions imposed against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

King Abdullah and President Mubarak urged Israel to implement the Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, as well as land for peace principal, and to end the Israeli occupation to all occupied Arab territories as a necessary base for achieving peace. The two leaders stressed that the establishment of the independent Palestinian state on the Palestinian national soil is an inevitable necessity to establish durable peace in the region.

The two leaders affirmed that the Israeli government؟s rejection to achieve peace in accordance with the terms of reference adopted by the international community holds it responsible for the continuation of conflict and deterioration of security and stability in the region.