The Highest Ever Flagpole Erected in Amman

10 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II and in presence of Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday hoisted the Jordanian flag on the highest ever flagpole in the world reaching a height of 126.8 meters.

Hoisting the 60-meter long and 30-meter wide flag at the Royal Hashemite Court compound is part of celebrations observing the Army Day and the Great Arab Revolt anniversary.

The pole, the highest in the world, will be lightened with laser so that it can be seen from various suburbs in Amman as well as from the nearby city of Zarka. The pole, made in Jabal Ali, Abu Dhabi, with money donated by His Majesty King Abdullah, has been designed to resist earthquakes and to survive all weather conditions, said Director of the Royal Palaces Work Department Nayef Al Bakheet during the ceremony which was attended by HRH Crown Prince Hamzah and other senior officials.The 123- meter-high flag in Abu Dhabi was the highest in the world.

A camera has been installed on top of the flag capable of taking photos of areas about 10 kms away in the capital city of Amman , Bakheet said. The camera is connected with internet to send out the photos through the internet, he added.

The gigantic flag is only the first stage of an ambitious plan to establish a complex of public gardens on a 600-dunum plot of land adjacent to the Royal Court donated by His Majesty King Abdullah.

The total cost of the plot of land is estimated at JD80 million in market value. The complex which is divided into three stages includes play grounds, green areas, an IT center and a conference palace.

According to a Royal Court statement, a museum called the "Jordanian Al Rayah (banner) Museum" will be established in the site depicting Jordan's history and cultural heritage. The museum includes a history map narrating, with fixed dates, the remote history of the Hashemite family ever since the death of Hashem, from whom the Hashemite family descends, during his historical trek to Egypt, Palestine and Bilad Al Sham before he died in Gaza. The museum also shows stages of development of Jordanian coins including those issued during the two Hashemite states in Syria and Iraq.

The items on display at the museum include Jordanian stamps, medals including the oldest one (Maan Medal) issued in 1917, paintings and documentaries featuring Jordan's history and cultural landmarks.